What’s a SlideMoor?

Man has been docking boats the same way for thousands of years. People have been facing the same hassles tying up and protecting their boats; bow lines, stern lines, spring lines, bumpers, fenders… and with all this gear, nothing much has really changed. One would think that there would be a better way.

Finally… SlideMoor!

SlideMoor is a boat docking system that brings together many of the advantages of a floating dock with the appeal of a traditional fixed dock. The system makes docking safer and easier while mitigating the risks associated with tidal change, wind, and wave activity.

This simple yet ef­fective system secures your boat tightly to a sliding bumper on one side only. SlideMoor takes the guesswork out of tying up your boat, solving many of the docking and mooring issues encountered by boaters.

Hold your boat tight to your dock with only two lines!

Boat Docking System

The Benefits of SlideMoor

SlideMoor truly is a 24/7 peace of mind boat docking
system. No slack, no bumping, no banging, and with
a built in bumper, it is the easiest, quickest, and
most effective docking system on the market!

Call: (239) 263-7044 for more info!

When you’re docking your beautiful baby after a nice day on the water you want to be sure that it is perfectly safe. The SlideMoor system ensures that your boat will rise up and down with the tides as well as heavy winds and even larger than normal storm surge.

Call: (239) 263-7044

SlideMoor is a boat docking system that brings together many of the advantages of a floating dock with the appeal of a traditional fixed dock. The system makes docking safer and easier while mitigating the risks associated with tidal change, wind, and wave activity.

This simple yet ef­fective system secures your boat tightly to a sliding bumper on one side only.
SlideMoor takes the guesswork out of tying up your boat, solving many of the docking
and mooring issues encountered by boaters.

Below are some videos to show you exactly how the system works.

More Information?

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